Home » » Rand Mcnally Intelliroute TND 510 Truck GPS with Lifetime Maps and Carrying Case top deals

Rand Mcnally Intelliroute TND 510 Truck GPS with Lifetime Maps and Carrying Case top deals

The best just got better! Rand McNally's 5" GPS device has been upgraded with even more features and tools for the over-the-road trucker. The IntelliRoute TND 510 provides unique trucker business tools that will eliminate manual calculation of mileages, an efficient manner to calculate arrival time to your destination and more! New features include being able to export state-by-state and province mileage reporting, an enhanced quick planner, finding destinations by latitude and longitude and viewing current location by mile marker. These new tools have been incorporated as a result of specific feedback from real truckers to make life on the road that much easier. The IntelliRoute TND 510 incorporates input and hours of testing by professional drivers. This device was designed to help truckers in each phase of their work day from planning to driving to reporting. With 35% more truck routing information than other GPS units, the device leverages Rand McNally's proprietary truck data derived from more than 70 years in the commercial transportation industry.

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